
ShopRun is a mobile app for iOS and Android to provide retail stores the opportunity to reach their potential clients, lure them into the store and increase their sales again.

The Problem

Due to the increase of online shopping over the past decade retail stores are having a hard time to stay alive. Local stores in the city center are seeing fewer visitors and lower sales. To break this pattern, the company ShopRun was created. Shoprun is intent to give an impulse to reach (potential) clients that are nearby a store. ShopRun acts like any other coupon company, but is unique by it’s approach. A coupon is only available for a period of time and you will receive the coupon only if you are near a store.

The Challenge

ShopRun has a few challenges. To start, there were two kinds of clients: The clients of ShopRun (retail stores), and the clients of my client (the mobile users).

Clients of ShopRun

ShopRun works as no cure no pay service and retail stores can register for free. When activating their account the store gets access to a web portal where they can add establishments, create coupons and see coupon reports. The portal needs to accessible, easy to use and offers a dashboard as overview of all features.

The client of the client

ShopRun reaches the end user with a mobile app. Users need to register an account, choose their interests and need to be able to claim a coupon.



  • Username
  • Password
  • Email address
  • Gender
  • Date of Birth


  • Check a category
  • Uncheck a category


  • Coupon image
  • Coupon title
  • Coupon store location
  • Coupon price / discount
  • Coupon shoprun
  • Claim coupon
  • Coupon verification
  • Share coupon

User Task Flow


The outcome


The diversity of clients and products (mobile apps, portal and frontend page) made it more ShopRun a big challenge. The banding needed to be the same on all products but asked a different approach of user experience. The frontpage needed to focus on information about ShopRun and registering an account, the portal on creating and monitoring coupons and the mobile app on claiming coupons. Also there where the different types of systems like iOS (Human Interface Guidelines), Android’s new material design and the web portal.